Tag Archives: marketresearch

Consumer Behavior Following Boycott Issue 1

Consumer Behavior Following Boycott Issue

The conflict between Palestine and Israel has caused the global boycott issue to grow in the last three months. The movement is boycotting products from brands suspected of supporting and being affiliated with Israel.

In this report, Jakpat surveyed 1285 respondents to conduct their consumption or use of products and alternative brand choices in different categories after the boycott issue.

These results are based on a survey conducted on 19-20th of February 2024.

Key research points:

  • Fast food consumption
  • Fashion usage
  • Food & beverage consumption
  • Makeup & personal care usage

Here are some previews of the report:




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5 Kelebihan Jasa Survei Online untuk Kebutuhan Bisnis

Pemanfaatan media digital membuat aktivitas bisnis menjadi mudah dan cepat. Mulai dari publikasi produk atau jasa, promosi, tracking pemesanan, interaksi dengan konsumen hingga transaksi pembayaran yang dilakukan secara online.

Selain mempertimbangkan strategi penjualan, kamu juga bisa menggunakan jasa survei online yang dapat membantu dalam pengembangan bisnis. Jasa survei online merupakan layanan yang menyediakan pengumpulan data dari para responden yang menjadi target untuk mendapatkan referensi dari topik tertentu yang ingin diketahui. Hasil survei yang dikumpulkan perusahaan atau pelaku bisnis dapat digunakan untuk menilai dan menentukan strategi apa saja yang akan dilakukan kedepannya.

Secara kegunaannya, jasa survei online memiliki manfaat seperti pengumpulan data yang lebih cepat, pemantauan secara real time, ramah lingkungan, efisiensi biaya, kemudahan akses responden, hingga kemudahan pengelolaan dan analisis data. Selain itu, ada banyak manfaat lain dari jasa survei online khususnya untuk pelaku bisnis.

1. Memahami Konsumen 

Menggunakan jasa survei online memungkinkan kamu untuk mengerti kebutuhan, preferensi, dan harapan konsumen. Hal ini dapat memberikan wawasan untuk meningkatkan produk atau layanan seperti apa yang diinginkan. Selain itu, kamu dapat secara teratur mengukur kepuasan pelanggan untuk meningkatkan layanan dan membangun loyalitas.

2. Analisis Persaingan

Dari survei yang didapat, kamu bisa menilai dan memahami kekuatan dan kelemahan dari bisnis yang kamu kelola. Hal ini juga dapat membuatmu mengidentifikasi peluang apa saja yang bisa dilakukan untuk meningkatkan bisnis dan bersaing dengan kompetitor.

3. Mengukur Efektivitas Pemasaran

Jasa survei online bisa digunakan untuk mengukur seberapa jauh respon dan efektivitas dari pemasaran yang sudah dilakukan. Kamu dapat menilai dan mengevaluasi sejauh mana pesan yang dibuat tersampaikan kepada target konsumen dan mengidentifikasi area mana saja yang perlu ditingkatkan.

4. Mengidentifikasi Tren 

Menggunakan analisis statistik yang didapatkan dari jasa survei online ini dapat membantu bisnismu mengidentifikasi tren yang mungkin terlewat atau tidak terlihat secara langsung. Informasi ini dapat digunakan untuk merancang strategi bisnis yang lebih efektif.

5. Pengelolaan Karyawan

Selain menganalisis aspek eksternal, kamu juga bisa menggunakan jasa survei online dalam ruang lingkup internal. Kamu dapat menggunakannya untuk mengetahui umpan balik dari karyawan mengenai kepuasan kerja, kebutuhan pelatihan, hingga perbaikan apa saja yang mungkin diperlukan di lingkungan kerja.

Itulah lima manfaat dari penggunaan jasa survei online. Selain itu, kamu bisa memulai dengan mencari berbagai referensi seputar survei online, salah satunya melalui Jakpat. Salah satu onlinemobile survei yang sudah berkolaborasi dengan banyak perusahaan ini, menyediakan laporan berbeda setiap bulannya mengenai riset pasar, seperti perkembangan e-commerce, fintech, tren beauty dan fashion, mobile entertainment, dan lainnya.

Kamu bisa mendapatkannya dengan mengunduh laporan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhanmu, dan menganalisis apa saja yang kamu perlukan dari insight tersebut untuk memulai menggunakan jasa survei online.

Secara keseluruhan, survei online merupakan alat yang efektif untuk mendapatkan pemahaman mendalam tentang pelanggan, produk, dan pasar, yang menjadi kunci untuk kesuksesan bisnis yang dapat kamu coba.

*Artikel ini hasil kerja sama antara Jakpat & Paper.id


Exploring the Beauty Trends of Makeup and Skincare Products in Indonesia

Exploring the Beauty Trends of Makeup and Skincare Products in Indonesia

Beauty products are growing with the presence of various makeup and skincare. Especially now, local skincare brands are gaining popularity and attracting the attention of skincare users.

Jakpat was surveyed to understand people’s habits in using makeup and skincare products, and to identify the brands frequently used in 2023. The report, which involved more than 2000 respondents, covers three sections: makeup trends among female respondents, followed by skincare trends and beauty product purchases among both female and male respondents.

The survey results state that the majority of Indonesian women consider the use of makeup important, especially for those who work every day. Daily activities seem to influence how essential makeup is used. A majority of students (54%) and employed individuals (69%) consider makeup to be crucial compared to those who aren’t employed (47%).

Makeup Trends 

Most Indonesian women admit to wearing simple makeup for their daily activities. Simple makeup refers to the use of a limited number of makeup products, typically no more than 3. This trend is observed across all age groups, socioeconomic levels, and occupations. This trend is observed across all age groups, socioeconomic levels, and occupations.

In the use of lip products, lip balm leads with 44%, then lip cream 40%, lipstick 38%, liptint 39%, and lip gloss 20%. Meanwhile, in the use of brow products, many use brow pencil at 82%, followed by brow gel at 40%, and brow pomade at 7%.

Skincare Trends

74% of consumers said local brands still attracted their attention in the last 6 months. Compared to foreign brands, 73% admit that local skincare products are more suitable for their skin conditions.

Vitamin C is still the most popular skincare ingredient, with more than half of respondents claiming that their skincare products contain vitamin C. In addition, niacinamide and salicylic acid are the most popular top skincare ingredients.

“Most respondents consider halal, alcohol-free, and dermatologically tested skincare claims as the most important. Women tend to consider these skincare claims more than men.

Purchase Beauty Products

E-commerce is the top place to buy makeup and skincare online, in addition to social media and official websites. Meanwhile, offline makeup purchases from cosmetic stores lead with 51%, minimarkets/supermarkets with 37%, department stores 15%, and sales 10%.

Then, offline skincare purchases are more commonly made at minimarkets/supermarkets with 38%, cosmetic stores 32%, department stores 17%, and sales 8%.”

Looking at the 2023 retail data, makeup and cosmetics sales have increased compared to the previous year. Although the majority of purchases are made online via e-commerce, we still need to pay attention to offline purchases via cosmetic stores for makeup, and via minimarkets for skincare, because the experience of buying offline can help consumers to assess the product directly and try it on their skin/face before buying it. Only then at the repurchasing stage can it be done online, “said Head of Research Jakpat, Aska Primardi.

Regarding sources of makeup and skincare information, social media accounts and advertisements are the 2 main sources of information about beauty products. Moreover, most respondents rely on Instagram and TikTok when looking for beauty product references.

Get the details on our report here.



Beauty Trends 2023

The beauty product industry is growing with the presence of various local products. In this report, Jakpat conducted research to capture beauty trends in 2023, like consumer’s habits in using makeup and skincare products, their skin conditions, and considerations in choosing products. We also identify the top BUMO (Brand Used Most Often) of 2023.

These results are based on a survey conducted on 5-7th of November 2023.

Key research points:

  • Makeup daily routine & product used
  • Top 10 skincare product usage
  • Top 5 BUMO for each makeup & skincare products
  • Source of awareness beauty product
  • Spending beauty product

Here are some previews of the report:

Preview Beauty Trends Makeup & Skincare 2023 - 1

Preview Beauty Trends Makeup & Skincare 2023 - 2

Preview Beauty Trends Makeup & Skincare 2023 - 3

 Complete Report Can Be Downloaded Below

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70 OFF for All Jakpat Premium Report 2023

70% OFF for All Jakpat Premium Report 2023

In 2023, numerous emerging trends signify a diverse range of consumer interests and changes, from e-commerce to music concerts and fintech trends.

All of these trends are covered in our comprehensive Jakpat Premium Report, crafted by our research experts. It provides valuable insights to empower your business and marketing decisions.

In support of that, we present an extraordinary offer to wrap up 2023.


What will you get:

  1. Ecommerce Trends 1st Semester of 2023
  2. Fintech Trends 1st Semester of 2023
  3. Mobile Entertainment & Socmed Trends 1st Semester of 2023
  4. Music Concert Trends 2023
  5. Wearable Gadget Trends 2023
  6. Beauty Drink & Skin Supplements Trend
  7. Body Slimming & Weight Loss Trends
  8. Mobile Gaming Trends 2023
  9. PC / Laptop Gaming Trends 2023
  10. Console Gaming Trends 2023
  11. Esports Trends 2023
  12. Fashion Trends 2023

*Exclusive until December 12, 2023

Interested in this offer or just one of those premium report?
Don’t miss this opportunity. Contact our sales now!

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Mobile Entertainment Social Media

Adapting Consumption Patterns of Mobile Entertainment in Early 2023

In our increasingly interconnected world, mobile entertainment and social media have become an integral part of our daily lives. From compelling streaming platforms to the dynamic realm of social networking, these digital arenas have altered the way we consume entertainment and engage with others.

Every year, Jakpat conducts a survey in order to understand the public’s perspective on the use of mobile entertainment and social media. In this first semester of 2023, surveys were conducted on 1640 smartphone users and 1646 social media users.

Jakpat survey report highlights the use of over-the-top (OTT) streaming platforms such as Vidio, Netflix, or Disney+ Hotstar, as entertainment media that can be accessed by smartphone users. 89% of Gen Z users use OTT streaming platforms to watch movies, 76% to watch series, 23% to watch sports matches, and 21% to watch reality/variety shows.

To enjoy OTT streaming platforms’ content, users generally need to pay the subscription fee. 31% of Gen Z users don’t mind paying a subscription fee to be free from annoying ads.

Entertainment content is certainly not limited to movies, series and other audio-visual shows. Music has long been an integral part of human culture. Meanwhile, podcasts also get a significant portion in accompanying the daily activities of modern people. Therefore, in this report, Jakpat also highlights the use of audio streaming platforms as a medium of listening to music and podcasts.

Unlike the OTT streaming platforms, the majority of users prefer to listen to music for free and don’t mind listening to advertisements. In fact, 27% of paying subscribers pay less than last year for streaming audio platforms.

Another form of entertainment that can be accessed from smartphones is social media. The Jakpat report shows that 36% of users access social media so they don’t feel left behind from current news or trends. In addition, of course, social media still plays a role in influencing consumer behavior, through advertisement content and reviews. Instagram is rated by 25% of users as the most informative social media. 34% of users also feel that Instagram is the most suitable social media for finding products, services or catalogues.

Shifting Trends of Mobile Entertainment

This Jakpat report shows that the trend of using mobile entertainment and social media tends to decrease from the previous year. Aska Primardi, Head of Research of Jakpat emphasized, “Almost all social media have experienced a decrease in the number of users. Like TikTok and Twitter, the numbers are likely to be stagnant from last year. Same thing happened to the OTT streaming platforms. People are still accessing content, but there are indications that they are reducing the number of platforms they use, or choosing to focus on only one of the OTT streaming platforms.”

Aska stated that there is also a possibility that this condition is caused by de-influencing trends, where influencers, or in this case de-influencers, give suggestions not to use a product or service. He added, “Jakpat’s research shows that only about 50% of the public currently still trusts reviews from influencers and celebrities.”

Another factor Aska came up with, was related to duration. “As the pandemic period ends, the duration for people to be able to access mobile entertainment and social media has indeed decreased in 2023.”

Then, how about the performance of the OTT streaming platform and audio streaming platform in the eyes of its users? How do users value social media? Which reviews on social media are the most trustworthy according to users?

Get the details in our report here.

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Indonesia Mobile Entertainment & Social Media Trends – 1st Semester of 2023

Mobile entertainment and social media have become vital in our interconnected lives, redefining how we consume content and interact. The rapid emergence of new features and platforms continues to reshape the digital landscape for entertainment and social engagement. In this report, Jakpat will share our research findings related to the habit of utilizing mobile entertainment and accessing social media.
These results are based on a survey conducted monthly in the first semester of 2023.

Key research points:

  • The habit on using mobile entertainment including streaming movies, series, etc. on OTT platforms, and streaming music and podcast
  • Users’ perception of social media
  • The usage of social media in business, as source of information for brand, product, and customer service.

Here are some previews of the report:

mobile entertainment streaming vod ott social media short video

Complete Report Can Be Downloaded Below

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Music Concert Trends 2023

Music concert is a type of entertainment which offers an immersive and engaging experience for music enthusiasts, allowing them to connect with their favorite artists and enjoy the thrill of live music. In 2023, there were almost 30% of respondents went to an at least one concert.

Jakpat conducted a research on June 2023 to capture the habit of these concertgoers as well as the popular music concert in 2023.

Key Research points:

  • Habits of Attending Music Concerts
  • Financial Aspect of Buying the Ticket
  • Restraining Factors in Attending Music Concert
  • Popular Music Concerts in 2023
  • Insight Study: The Phenomenon of Coldplay’s Concert in Jakarta

Here are some preview of the report:

Music Concert 1 Music Concert 2 Music Concert 3

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Heading (3)

Indonesia Consumer Financial Habit 2023 on Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X

Consumers habit are differed across generations, in this series of report JAKPAT will share highlights of insights showing differences behavior, habit and preferences in between generations. The report will cover Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z in Indonesia.

First series will take you to look at their Financial Habit.

Key Research points: 

  • Financial Product Usage and Preferences
  • Source of Income
  • Allocation to Expenses and Savings
  • 3 Personas based on Financial Habit
  • Financial Dependency

Here are some preview of the report

8 9


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Part 3: Iftar Gathering, Shopping, and Eid Fashion Style – JAKPAT Ramadan Special Report 2023

During Ramadan and Eid, people tend to buy more food, presents, and clothes, especially for Eid al-Fitr Day. Buying clothes is a long-standing tradition and represents renewal and celebration, where modest and conservative clothing is preferred. Another tradition that is getting more popular this year after the pandemic situation seemed to be more manageable, is iftar gatherings. To respond to various changes during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr season, Jakpat has carried out a sequence of surveys focused on Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. This report is the third part of the series, which covers topics related to iftar gatherings, shopping, and fashion style on Eid Day celebration.


For more detailed data, please download the PDF file down below.

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